TO 55 Steel production residues

Jernkontoret's technical area 55, Steel production residues is where companies and institutes interested in research into residual products collaborate.

Gravel road built with blast furnace slag, a residual product from SSAB. Photo: SSAB. 

Parallel with iron and steel products, other materials also are produced which originate in the steel production processes. This takes the form of almost two million tonnes of material (2018), e.g. slag and oxide scale, whereof about:  

  • 44 % is used externally, e.g. sold as various products
  • 34 % recirculated internally
  • 22 % becomes landfill waste

Residual products is the collective term for by-products, material for internal circulation, recycling and waste. This term has no legal signification but is one way of summarising everything that arises in addition to the production of steel.

Committee meetings are arranged 3–4 times per year at Jernkontoret or at member companies.

Committee Chairperson

Björn Haase, Höganäs AB, Höganäs

Research Manager

Christer Ryman, Jernkontoret 

Member companies

Alleima AB, Sandviken
Boliden Mineral AB, Rönnskär
Höganäs AB, Höganäs
Harsco Metals Sweden AB, Norberg
Outokumpu Stainless AB, Avesta
Ovako Sweden AB, Hofors
Ovako Bar AB, Smedjebacken
SSAB Europe, Luleå 
SSAB Europe Oy, Brahestad
SSAB Special Steels, Oxelösund 
Uddeholms AB, Hagfors
Vargön Alloys AB, Vargön

Co-opted members

KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Luleå University of Technology, Luleå 
Swerim AB, Luleå 

Purpose and general orientation

  • To promote the development of new products deriving from metallic and mineral residues.
  • To seek solutions in order to increase the use of residual products.
  • To increase knowledge about the properties of the different materials, and effects in connection with their use.
  • To optimise the quantities and properties of the production residues for the purpose of increased use.
  • To prioritise, initiate and run R&D projects within the field.
  • To monitor technological developments and influence the preparation of relevant legislation.
  • To promote networking inside and outside the sector and to act as a forum for the sharing of information and experiences for members’ specialists within the field.

How does one become a member of the technical area?

The committee of the technical area decides on acceptance of new members. You are welcome to contact the technical area’s Research Manager if you are interested in participating or if you have questions about activities, membership fees etc.