Samforsk klimat

Samforsk klimat – co-ordinated research linked to the Swedish steel industry’s Climate Roadmap – is an initiative that supports the steel industry’s ambitions to implement its climate roadmap and co-ordinates the research efforts of the steel sector and associated industries. Samforsk klimat charts the ongoing research, identifies research needs, initiates and supports research and development projects and disseminates results

In the transition to a fossil-free society, Sweden’s steel industry is assuming a major role through its far-reaching commitment to increased sustainability. For example, the industry has already drawn up a climate roadmap for a fossil-free and competitive steel industry. The roadmap aims for complete elimination of carbon-dioxide emitting fossil fuels and thereby contribute to a fossil-free society by the year 2045.

With the climate roadmap, the Swedish steel industry intends to remove any obstacles on the road and indicate possible solutions that can lead to a fossil-free and competitive sector. But it also wants to draw attention to the significant co-operation required between the companies and the political decision-makers for it to achieve success.

The climate roadmap identifies necessary actions to be taken in respect to research, innovation and development. These requirements need to be met to enable the industry’s goals to be achieved. The work on such initiatives has already commenced but the effect can be strengthened and accelerated through collaboration and co-ordination.

About Samforsk klimat

Samforsk klimat is a collaboration between Jernkontoret, members of Jernkontoret’s technical areas and Sustainable Steel Region. The initiative is supported by Vinnova, the Swedish innovation agency.

The goal of Samforsk klimat is to co-ordinate, inform about and strengthen the initiatives that are carried out within the framework of the steel industry’s climate roadmap. This shall take place through a mapping of current research and development, both inside and outside the steel industry, through starting new activities and supporting projects as well as following up the results of these activities.

Activities and objectives

Samforsk klimat charts current R&D, identifies research needs, initiates and supports research projects as well as monitoring and disseminating the results.

Among other things, the purpose of Samforsk klimat is to:

  • support the steel industry’s ambition to implement its climate roadmap.
  • show which research and development projects are being implemented to meet the benchmarks of the climate roadmap.
  • contribute to ensuring that the research results are taken into account and utilised so that the steel industry steadily advances towards the goal.
  • bring together stakeholders, technology companies and researchers who desire – and are able – to contribute to the climate roadmap.
  • specify required research based on the steel industry’s strategies.
  • highlight, strengthen and integrate in a holistic way the relevant research already carried out within the steel industry, research institutes and universities.
  • initiate and support new project proposals.
  • communicate sector-based and leading edge research as support for external project stakeholders.
  • set the steel industry’s climate roadmap mark on relevant R&D projects.

Further information

Web site: (in Swedish)

Project leader: Nicklas Tarantino, Sustainable Steel Region
Telephone: +46 70 200 75 78