Jernkontoret’s Council
The Council constitutes Jernkontoret’s governing board. The members of the Council are appointed by the Society of Ironmasters which comprises Jernkontoret’s co-owners. The council generally meets four times per year.

Jernkontoret's Managing Director, Heads of Department and members of the Council in workshop meeting, June 2022.
Jernkontoret’s Council is appointed by the Society of Ironmasters. It is the Council’s task to set the strategic direction for Jernkontoret’s operations.
At the Annual General Meeting of the Society of Ironmasters in May 2024, the following members were elected to Jernkontoret’s Council for the period 2024/2025:
Martin Lindqvist, SSAB AB, Chairperson
Henrik Ager, Höganäs AB
Göran Björkman, Alleima AB
Håkan Dedorsson, Björneborg Steel AB
Pär Emanuelsson, Uddeholms AB
Tom Eriksson, Alleima AB
Marcus Hedblom, Ovako AB
Kerstin Konradsson, Erasteel Kloster AB
Eva Petursson, SSAB AB
Rickard Qvarfort, Ovako AB
Ad Raatgeep, Suzuki Garphyttan AB
Annika Roos, Jernkontoret, vd
Niklas Wass, Outokumpu Stainless AB
Pål Åström, Outokumpu Stainless AB
General Meeting of the Society of Ironmasters 2025
Wednesday, May 28, 11.00 h.
Meeting days of the Council 2025
Thursday, March 27, 09.30 h. (In Hofors.)
Wednesday, May 28, 09.30 h.
Thursday, October 2, 09.30 h.
Thursday, November 27, 09.30 h.
Fund committee and working committee meet on the same days at 08.30 h.